跟明星近距離的接觸....很緊張ㄋㄟ My 1st COMPASS Dinner With Beon
昨天冠頭終於有機會跟星仔去參加 新加坡詞曲版權協會辦的餐會了 以前冠頭還在台灣時 每年都會聽星仔提 除了有大餐吃 重點是還有很多當地的歌星喔 期待的一天 當然要把我的相機準備好 拍個美美的照片 偏偏昨天剛好碰到新加坡為四川災民舉辦募款活動 哇...我想應該會比較冷清一點了吧 畢竟當紅藝人在現在付出自己的一分心力 為那些可憐的同胞比較重要
Yesterday, Beon and I attended the COMPASS 13th Award Presention Dinner. When I was in Taiwan, Beon always said there's delicious food and also Singapore Singer performance. I was glad that this year I was able to attend this function with him and not forgetting to bring along my camera to take some beautiful shoot. There's a fund raising for Si-Chuan Event, hoping the funds could help them to rebuild their homeland. So everyone out on this special events was doing their part to help.
我們被安排的位子很優喔 就在舞台的正前方 趁著時間還早 拍張照留念吧
Our table was arranged near to the main stage, a good view... haha! Before the program start, let us take a picture for memory. Look Here .... and say cheese !!!
活動開始沒多久 突然看到 JJ走進來 坐在冠頭的前面那桌 狗仔冠頭 當然要偷拍一下 不過後來JJ有走過來我們這桌跟朋友講話 我實在太害羞了 不敢拿出我的相機拍照 偏偏星仔這時跟朋友去"哈菸" 不然他一定又會說幫我們合照的啦 嘻....
The event began not long, guess who I saw?? It's was Singapore Famous Singer "JJ Lin" appeared at our next table. Without hesitation, I took out my camera secreatly snap a few shots of him. This was one of them...... A surprised, WHY ?? JJ Lin walked to my table to chit chat with his friend. I could view him clearly this time .....but I was too shy to ask him to photograph with me. Too bad.......... Beon was not with me at the moment. Miss a chance snapping a photo with JJ !
JJ有上台去領獎 後來又有表演兩首歌 一千年以後 跟最新為四川災民寫的歌 "愛與希望" 現場看他表演 真的很不一樣 很有大將之風 為何不唱木乃伊這樣星仔又有版稅可以拿了 嘿....
JJ Lin on stage to receive his Awards and presented 2 of his two songs "One Thousand Year Later " and a song wrote for Si-Chuan named "Love And Hope", his live performance was great!!! Hoping he would have time to sing another song title "The Mummy", this was the song composed by him and Beon. Too bad, I have no chance to listen to Beon who wrote this lyrcis for him and to hear JJ live performance on this song...haha
Singapore "Tanya" on Stage
蔡健雅本人跟我想的長的有點不一樣 站在我的面前 我還認不出她來 本人真的比較漂亮 我好喜歡她的無底洞 可惜沒唱 不過她的新歌也很好聽
Tanya Chua live performance, unexpected she was really beauitful in person!! I like her new songs as well.
快要散場時 潔儀終於看到星仔了走過來跟星仔打招呼(其實星仔整晚一直想走過去跟她say hi 但是又怕怪怪的) 星仔很喜歡她喔 她們曾經合作過幾首歌 每次都誇她人美 又會唱歌 又有氣質 不能避免的當然要拍照留念 不過我都幫他們拍的美美的 星仔都給人家照的糊糊 不知是故意的還是看到美女太緊張了 (這樣冠頭就只好放他跟她的合照)
Kit Chan finally spotted Beon!!! Infact, Beon would like to say "Hi" to her earlier as he felt shy... haha. Kit Chan was one of Beon favourites singers, he wanted so much to compose her a song one day. It was fortunated that Beon was able to compose 2 lyrics for Kit Chan Last Album. One of the song lyrics was really custom made just for her only (東彎土星)!!
終於見識到新加坡吃一頓飯為何總要搞到這晚 昨天6點多就到了 吃完時竟然已經11點多了 因為有來賓在台上講話 或表演時是不上菜的 所以晚餐可以吃到消夜 而且服務也太好了吧 每吃一道菜就要換盤子 而且都會幫你把菜分好 這樣很沒感覺耶....就是有點像明明去吃韓國烤肉 請服務人員幫你烤好再送過來(新加坡的人真的會這樣 有點不習慣 這不是少了很多樂趣嗎?)
Dinner started at 6:30pm and ended at 11:00pm, such a long hour dinner I ever had! There's a lots of performance in between, so the dishes was served very slow but overall we had enjoyed the show and dinner.
Dinner started at 6:30pm and ended at 11:00pm, such a long hour dinner I ever had! There's a lots of performance in between, so the dishes was served very slow but overall we had enjoyed the show and dinner.
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