Wednesday, 12 March 2008

愛上敲打的冠頭--花了四個小時只畫好三條 Crafted Belt

最近一直下著雨 讓人都快要發霉了 也不想出門 趁著在家的這段時間 拿著新買的皮帶 準備敲圖案上去 欲罷不能的冠頭一下子畫了三條 手簡直要廢了 有夠酸的啦 天色又昏暗 眼睛越來越花 媽媽都看不下去了 叫我先休息一下 雖然知道做一條皮帶很花時間還是要堅持下去 等到完成時很有成就感的喔
It's been raining these few days until I don't feel like going out. So I decided to do my crafting on the new leather belts. Look at the "before and after" craving, it took me alot of time beveling on the lines. After beveling on the lines, you need to use a few tools to do side crafting. My hand were so aching and I saw many "twinkle little star " spinkle at my head & eyes. The belts craving shall be continue.

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